As the people of God, we are given 2 specific roles: kings & priests (Rev. 1:6, 4:10). The role of “king” is referred specifically in the area of Great Commission where we reach out to the nations for the LORD & established the Kingdom of God all over the earth. The role of “priest” is referred specifically to minister unto the LORD with worship & intercession.
Isaiah 66:1 is the very cry of God’s heart for the people of God to minister unto Him. One of the main focuses of devotional worship is to “make God happy!” The focus is not how we feel during worship but how God feels! God is truly worthy to receive every glory, honor & power. I believe with all my heart that when God is truly worshipped, something will beginning to change – our heart, our circumstances, our nation, etc.
In Matthew 25:1 – 13, our Lord Jesus Christ specifically teaches us to be like the 5 wise virgins. He exhorts us to start acquiring “oil” so that we will have confidence in Him during the Last Days. He concludes the parable by asking us to WATCH. The word “watch” implies the cultivating of our intimate walk with the LORD.
Another purpose of the devotional worship is a time where we “watch” & take time to develop intimacy with Him by being in His presence. David understood & knew the heart of God by learning to GAZE upon the beauty of the LORD. Similarly, this is a time of “watching” & gazing upon the LORD.
WAIT (ISAIAH 40:27 – 31)
“One Thing” Ministries is committed in raising up forerunners to be the VOICE of God in the Last Days so that we can be a “light” to the world in trouble times. Isaiah 40:28 – 31 describes one of the key in preparing to be a forerunner –
Isaiah 40 is a powerful passage that describes the forerunner in the Last Days. Verses 1 – 5 talk about the mandate of a forerunner. Verses 6 – 26 lay out the message that a forerunner will proclaim. Verses 27 – 31 teach about the preparation of a forerunner.
To be a forerunner, we need to learn to wait before the LORD – to hear His voice & to receive a “message” from Him so that we will be a VOICE & not an ECHO! It is in the midst of waiting that we will be strengthened by the LORD. Also, we will never be able to receive high level of revelation if we are always & constantly on the run.
Many people express to me that they wish that they have a direct “hotline” to God so that they can hear him clearly. Few of us can hear Him clearly unless we bother to wait before Him & learn to sharpen our senses to His voice. It is in waiting that we will grow in our sensitivity to the voice of God.
Individually, we are all weak. There is a limit in how far we can press into God on our own. Yes, we can & we should do it at our own personal time. But there is a cap. We also need to recognize that we need one another to spur & encourage each other to press in to God. That’s why I am creating an environment (i.e. the House of Prayer) where all of us can press in to God together & starting developing a HISTORY with Him. Many of us have a willing spirit but our flesh is weak. We can’t do it on our own but we need to press in as a community!
The followings are some of the things you can do during the time of devotional worship:
The PRIMARY focus of devotional worship is to worship & minister to God (if it’s not the only reason). Therefore, we try to flow along with the worship leader & engage the LORD in worship.
Open up the Bible & read whatever portion of Scripture that will draw you closer to God in intimacy as you dwell in His presence.
Take time to mediate on a specific portion of scripture & allow the Holy Spirit to grant you fresh revelation & new understanding to that portion of Scripture.
Take time to listen to His voice & allow the LORD to speak to you. Seek the face of the LORD like David beholds the face of God in the Tabernacle of David (Psalm 27:4).
You can also take this time to pray & intercede for whatever burden that is upon your heart. Please be sensitive to those around you by not praying too loudly.
Psalm 84:1 – 2 says, “How lovely is Your tabernacle, O LORD of hosts! My soul longs, yes, even faints for the courts of the LORD; my heart & my flesh cry out for the living God.” The devotional worship is what Psalm 84:1 – 4 is all about.I know that this expression of worship is a relatively new paradigm to many of us. I like to encourage you to press in & engage with the LORD & in due time, you will begin to appreciate much of it. Don’t be too quick to say that this is not for me. You will be surprised by God.