The Heart of the Ministry
At the heart of One Thing Ministries is the establishing of the HOUSE OF PRAYER where there is unceasing worship (i.e. ministry unto the LORD) & intercession in the city. Our inspiration came from Anna, the first evangelist & forerunner in the NT who prayed & fasted for over 60 years before Jesus’ first coming (Luke 2:37) & then from King David who organized 4000 musicians & 288 singers to worship God 24 hours a day (1 Chronicles 23 – 25).
In 1727, an Intercessory Mission Base was established in Germany by Count Zinzendorf. They began prayer meetings that continued 24 hours a day for over 100 years, resulting in the first Protestant missions movement in history known as the Moravians. They discovered that night & day prayer releases evangelism & missions. To this we say, “Yes, LORD!” We believe that unceasing worship & intercession for the Body of Christ in the city will increase our zeal & effectiveness in winning the lost!
The Heart of our Vision
“John the Baptist said… the friend of the Bridegroom… rejoices because of the Bridegroom’s voice.” John 3:29
“Anna… did not depart from the temple, but served God with fastings & prayers night & day… & she spoke of Jesus to all…” Luke 2:37 – 38
“Pray that the Lord of the Harvest would send out laborers into His Harvest…therefore, go to all nations & make disciples.” Matthew 9:38; 28:19
“…for My House shall be called a House of Prayer for all nations.” Isaiah 56:7