Sunday, May 27, 2007

About Us -> Heartbeat

The Heart of the Ministry

At the heart of One Thing Ministries is the establishing of the HOUSE OF PRAYER where there is unceasing worship (i.e. ministry unto the LORD) & intercession in the city. Our inspiration came from Anna, the first evangelist & forerunner in the NT who prayed & fasted for over 60 years before Jesus’ first coming (Luke 2:37) & then from King David who organized 4000 musicians & 288 singers to worship God 24 hours a day (1 Chronicles 23 – 25).

In 1727, an Intercessory Mission Base was established in Germany by Count Zinzendorf. They began prayer meetings that continued 24 hours a day for over 100 years, resulting in the first Protestant missions movement in history known as the Moravians. They discovered that night & day prayer releases evangelism & missions. To this we say, “Yes, LORD!” We believe that unceasing worship & intercession for the Body of Christ in the city will increase our zeal & effectiveness in winning the lost!

The Heart of our Vision
“John the Baptist said… the friend of the Bridegroom… rejoices because of the Bridegroom’s voice.” John 3:29

“Anna… did not depart from the temple, but served God with fastings & prayers night & day… & she spoke of Jesus to all…” Luke 2:37 – 38

“Pray that the Lord of the Harvest would send out laborers into His Harvest…therefore, go to all nations & make disciples.” Matthew 9:38; 28:19

“…for My House shall be called a House of Prayer for all nations.” Isaiah 56:7
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